The Standard Library

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Revision as of 04:06, 20 April 2012 by Saabie (Talk | contribs) (First / second / third person)

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Most adventure game's typically uses many of the same commands such as Get, Drop, Inventory, Look, Eat, Read, and the movement directions. Unlike older versions of ADRIFT, ADRIFT 5 does not contain any pre-defined commands in the program itself, but instead loads a large number of these common commands from an extenal file called the standard library. The ADRIFT 5 standard library is stored in a module file called StandardLibrary.amf which is usually located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\ADRIFT\Libraries\

When a new game is started, or an ADRIFT 4 game is upgraded to version 5, the contents of this file is loaded and will be saved to the .TAF file when the game is saved. If a new version of StandardLibrary.amf is installed and a game is loaded from a .TAF file that contains an older version of the library, you will be given the option of loading the new library into the game or not.

Although it is possible to edit the standard library folders, it is much better practice to override tasks in the standard library with specific tasks, or create a new general task for the same command with a higher priority and which prevents the original task from running.


In the Developer "Folders" window, this library is loaded into a folder called "Standard Library" which has several other folders inside it. The contents of each of these folders is explained in the following sections.

The words between % symbols in the left colomb are called references, and are replaced by the name of an actual object in the game.

%object% is the name of any static or dynamic object, eg. 'pen' or 'large red ball'. If plural then you can also use "All".
%character% is either the proper name or descriptor of a character, eg. 'john doe' or 'tall man'.
%direction% can only be a compass direction, up, down, in or out.
%number% can be any number.
%text% can be anything.

The other words between % symbols in the right colomb are Functions which print the names of the objects and characters being referenced.

Square brackets containing two slashes, such as "[am/are/is]" or "[1]" are alternate versions of the text. The text which is actually shown to the player is controlled by the "Player Perspective" setting on the general tab of the game "Options" (Opened by pressing the spanner icon on the Home ribbon).

  • First Person (I) - Prints the first option, so "%CharacterName% [am/are/is]" becomes "I am" and "%CharacterName% pick[2] up" becomes "I pick up"
  • Second Person (You) - Prints the middle option, so "%CharacterName% [am/are/is]" becomes "You are" and "%CharacterName% pick[3] up" becomes "You pick up"
  • Third Person (Characters name, eg. "John") - Prints the last option, so "%CharacterName% [am/are/is]" becomes "John is" and "%CharacterName% pick[4] up" becomes "John picks up"


Tasks - Uncategorised

There is currently only one task in this folder.

Command Action Default Text
Lists what the player is currently wearing & holding  %CharacterName% [am/are/is] wearing %ListWorn[%Player%]%, and [am/are/is] carrying %ListHeld[%Player%]%.


This folder contains general properties pertaining to where objects and characters are located, whether the player knows a character, and character gender .

Give, Take and Drop

This group of commands allows the player to pick up objects, put them on or in other objects, or give them to another character.

Command Action Default Text
drop %objects% object in inventory is put on the ground Ok, %CharacterName% put[5] down %TheObjects[%objects%]%.
get %objects% pick up a dynamic object from current location Ok, %CharacterName% pick[6] up %TheObjects[%objects%]%.
get %objects% from %object% Take an object that is inside or on top of another object Ok, %CharacterName% take[7] %TheObjects[%objects%]% from %TheObject[%object2%]%.
give %objects% to %character%
give %character% %objects%
object in inventory goes to another characters inventory  %CharacterName% hand[8] %CharacterName[%character%, target]% %TheObject[%objects%]%.
offer %objects% to %character%
offer %character% %objects%
object in inventory goes to another characters inventory  %CharacterName% hand[9] %CharacterName[%character%, target]% %TheObject[%objects%]%.
pick up %objects%
pick %objects% up
pick up a dynamic object from current location Ok, %CharacterName% pick[10] up %TheObjects[%objects%]%.
pick up %objects% from %object%
pick %objects% up from %object%
Take an object that is inside or on top of another object Ok, %CharacterName% take[11] %TheObjects[%objects%]% from %TheObject[%object2%]%.
put down %objects%
put %objects% down
object in inventory is put on the ground Ok, %CharacterName% put[12] down %TheObjects[%objects%]%.
put %objects% in %object% object in inventory is put into a container  %CharacterName% put[13] %TheObjects[%objects%]% inside %TheObject[%object2%]%.
put %objects% on %object% object in inventory is put onto a surface Ok, %CharacterName% put[14] %TheObjects[%objects%]% on top of %TheObject[%object2%]%.
remove %objects% from %object% Take an object that is inside or on top of another object Ok, %CharacterName% take[15] %TheObjects[%objects%]% from %TheObject[%object2%]%.
take %objects% pick up a dynamic object from current location Ok, %CharacterName% pick[16] up %TheObjects[%objects%]%.
take %objects% from %object% Take an object that is inside or on top of another object Ok, %CharacterName% take[17] %TheObjects[%objects%]% from %TheObject[%object2%]%.

Character Position

This folder controls whether the player is standing up, sitting, or laying down.

Command Action Default Text

Push and Pull

Just some defaults that need to be overidden with specific commands to do anything.

Command Action Default Text


Talking to another character.

Command Action Default Text

Open and Close

Open and close a container or a door into another room.

Command Action Default Text

Look and Examine

Display the long description of a location or object, or the "description when read" property.

Command Action Default Text

Wear and Remove

Put on an item of clothing, or take it off.

Command Action Default Text

Eat and Drink

Properties determine if an object can be eaten or drunk.

Command Action Default Text

Library Messages

Not implimented yet - will allow special messages controlled internally by adrift to be customised or changed to a different language.

Player Movement

Normal player movement, plus getting inside of, or climbing on top of objects.

Command Action Default Text


Basic fighting, note that the Battle System from ADRIFT 4 is not implimented in ADRIFT 5 and probably wont be for some time.

Command Action Default Text