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This is a complete list of all of the object-oriented functions in alphabetical order.
[[%object%.AtLocationGroup function|AtLocationGroup]] - Which location group contains this static object.
[[%object%.Capacity function|Capacity]] - How many tiny objects can fit in this object (Containers only)
[[%character%.CharacterAtLocation function|CharacterAtLocation]] - The "At Location" property of a character.
[[%character%.CharacterLocation function|CharacterLocation]] - Current Location of the character.
[[%character%.CharacterPosition function|CharacterPosition]] - Standing, sitting or lying.
[[%character%.CharacterProperName|CharacterProperName]] - The proper name of a character.
[[%character%.CharEnters function|CharEnters]] - Contents of "Description when enters the location" text box.
[[%character%.CharExits function|CharExits]] - Contents of "Description when exits the location" text box.
[[%character%.CharHereDesc function|CharHereDesc]] - What to show when the character is at the location.
[[%character%.CharInsideWhat function|CharInsideWhat]] - The key of the container object that the character is inside of.
[[%character%.CharOnWhat function|CharOnWhat]] - The key of the supporter object that the character is on top of.
[[%character%.CharOnWho function|CharOnWho]] - Key of character that this character is sitting on.
[[%object%.Children function|Children]] - List keys of objects and characters on top of a supporter object.
[[%object%.Contents function|Contents]] - Keys of objects and characters inside a container object.
[[List Functions#Count|Count]] - Returns the number of items in a list of items.
[[%character%.Description function|Description (of character)]] - The description given when you examine a character.
[[%location%.Description function|Description (of Location)]] - The contents of the text box containing the long description of a location.
[[%object%.Description function|Description (of object)]] - The contents of the text box containing the description of an object.
[[%character%.Descriptor function|Descriptor]] - Article, adjective and noun of character descriptor.
[[%object%.DynamicLocation function|DynamicLocation]] - The name of the current location of a dynamic object.
[[%location%.Exits function|Exits]] - List the Exits from a location.
[[%character%.Gender function|Gender]] - Is character "Male", "Female" or "Unknown".
[[%character%.Held function|Held]] - A list of all objects held by the character
[[%object%.HeldByWho function|HeldByWho]] - Key of character that the object is being held by.
[[%object%.InLocation function|InLocation]] - KEY of the objects location.
[[%object%.InsideWhat function|InsideWhat]] - The key of the container object that the object is inside of.
[[List Functions#List|List]] - Creates a comma-separated list from a list of item keys.
[[%object%.ListDescription function|ListDescription]] - The "When the object is listed in location, display this" property of a <u>Static</u> object.
[[%object%.ListDescriptionDynamic function|ListDescriptionDynamic]] - The "When the object is listed in location, display this" property of a <u>Dynamic</u> object.
[[%character%.Location function|Location]] - Key of the location containing the character.
[[%object%.LockKey function|LockKey]] - The key of the object that is used as a key to unlock this object.
[[%object%.LockStatus function|LockStatus]] - Can the object be locked?
[[%location%.LongLocationDescription function|LongLocationDescription]] - Display the Long description of a location.
[[%character%.MaxBulk function|MaxBulk]] - The max. number of tiny objects that this character can carry.
[[%character%.MaxWeight function|MaxWeight]] - Maximum weight of items that a character can carry.
[[%object%.Name function|Name (of object)]] - The article, adjective and noun of an objects name.
[[%location%.Name function|Name (of location)]] - The short description of a Location.
[[%location%.Objects function|Objects]] - The dynamic objects at a location.
[[%object%.OnWhat function|OnWhat]] - The object that this object is sitting on top of.
[[%object%.OpenStatus function|OpenStatus]] - Is the object Open, Closed or Locked?
[[%character%.Parent function|Parent (of character)]] - The key of the location or object that immediately contains the character.
[[%object%.Parent function|Parent (of object)]] - The location, character or object that is directly holding this object.
[[%object%.PartOfWhat function|PartOfWhat]] - The object or character that this object is a part of.
[[%object%.PartOfWho function|PartOfWho]] - Key of character that the object is a part of (Face, hands, nose etc.)
[[%character%.ProperName function|ProperName]] - The proper name of the character.
[[%object%.ReadText function|ReadText]] - Display text of "...and description when read" object property.
[[%location%.ShortLocationDescription function|ShortLocationDescription]] - The name (short description) of a location
[[%object%.Size function|Size]] - How big is the object.
[[%object%.StaticLocation function|StaticLocation]] - The name of the location of a static object.
[[%object%.StaticOrDynamic function|StaticOrDynamic]] - Is the object Static or Dynamic?
[[%object%.SurfaceHold function|SurfaceHold]] - How many tiny objects can fit on top of the object (Supporters only)
[[%object%.Weight function|Weight]] - How heavy is the object.
[[%character%.Worn function|Worn]] - A list of all objects worn by the character
[[%object%.WornByWho function|WornByWho]] - Key of the character who is wearing the object.
<TABLE ALIGN=CENTER BORDER=1 WIDTH="50%"><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN=CENTER>[[Expressions|<<< Expressions]]</TD><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN=CENTER>[[Main Page]]</TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER>[[Functions|List of %Functions% >>>]]</TD></TABLE>

Revision as of 04:55, 4 March 2013