FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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What is ADRIFT?

ADRIFT stands for "Adventure Developer and Runner - Interactive Fiction Toolkit". It is a Microsoft Windows based system for creating and playing interactive fiction. The system was created and is still supported by Campbell Wild. There are two programmes, developer and runner. The runner (current version run500.exe) is used to play Adrift games, and will work with most games written with Adrift 3.9 and 4 as well as version 5. The developer (current version dev500.exe) is used to create new Adrift 5 games, and can also convert most older version games to version 5.

What is interactive fiction?

A fictional story in which the player becomes one of the characters in the story and controls their actions, changing the way that the story progresses. They are also called "adventure games" and are largely text based, although graphics and sound are often used. Interaction can be limited to examining objects, talking to characters (often called NPC - non player character) with the story. In some games you can be involved in fighting, though not normally to the extent of a role-playing game.