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Revision as of 10:06, 10 October 2011 by Saabie (Talk | contribs) (Set Properties)

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The Actions List

The "Actions" tab of a task contains a list of actions which are performed in order when a task is executed and passes all of its restrictions.


  • The order of execution can be changed by selecting an action and moving it up or down with the arrow buttons at the right of the window.
  • Pressing the "Add" button opens the action editing window (below), creating a new action which is added to the end of the list.
  • Select one of the actions and press the "Edit" button to open the action editing window and alter it.
  • Select an action and press "Delete" to remove it.

The action editing window contains 8 tab pages, one for each category of action that can be performed:


Move Objects

This has 3 main options: move an object, add object to group, and remove object from group. The object can be:

  • A specific object
  • The object "Referenced" by the general task, ie. for "Eat %object%" if the player enters "eat fruit" then fruit becomes the referenced object.
  • Every object at a given location
  • Everything held by a particular character
  • Everything in a given object group
  • The contents of a particular container
  • Everything sitting on a particular object that has a surface
  • All objects with a particular property, or a property with a particular value
  • Everything currently being worn by a particular character

The character holding or wearing the object can also be a referenced character, and the object its on or in can be a referenced object.

As well as adding or removing the selected object from a group, the object can be moved to:

  • Inside a container object
  • Onto an object with a surface
  • Can become a non-removable 'part' of another object
  • Held by a character
  • Worn by a character
  • Can become a 'part' of a character, such as his feet or nose
  • Moved to a particular location, or to the same location as a referenced/particular object or character
  • A random location in a location group

Any of these characters and objects can also be a referenced character/object.

Move Characters





Set Properties

It is important to note that the IconDynamicObject.jpg icon at the left of the entry fields is actually a button that toggles between 3 states and determines what is listed in the first drop-down menu.

IconDynamicObject.jpg = Objects

IconCharacters.jpg = Characters

IconLocation.jpg = Locations

Objects and characters can be either specific or referenced. Once the object, character or location is chosen, a list of applicable properties can be selected from the next drop-down list. Finally the value to be assigned to that property can either be chosen from a drop-down list, or a formulae entered to calculate it (depending on the type of the property).

End Game

This is the simplest tab and only has 3 options, all of which end the game:

  • in Victory - (Displays "*** You have won ***")
  • in Defeat - (Displays "*** You have lost ***")
  • without a fuss - (no extra message displayed)

The "End of Game" message is then displayed (see Introduction & End of Game), followed by the line: "Would you like to restart, restore a saved game, quit or undo the last command?"