What is an IFID?
IFID is an acronym for Interactive Fiction Identifier. It is a unique identifier for Interactive Fiction games, comparable with the ISBN system in books. The IFID is defined by the Treaty of Babel, and is common to all major IF systems.
Here is a sample IFID from an ADRIFT game:
How is an IFID created?
ADRIFT automatically generates a new IFID whenever you create a new game. You can view the IFID by selecting Options > Bibliography. The IFID should remain consistent throughout the lifecycle of a game. If you publish newer versions of the same game, the IFID should remain constant - they are a permanent identifier for a released game.
Caution: ADRIFT will automatically generate a new IFID if you do a Save As from within Developer, rather than Save. This is because you are potentially creating a new version of the game that is forked from the original.
Exporting IFID
The entire bibliographic record for a game can be exported to a .iFiction file by selecting "Export/iFiction Record" from the main menu. This is an XML file and contains the IFID in the <ifid> tag.
The contents of the .iFiction file will look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ifindex xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" version="1.0" xmlns="http://babel.ifarchive.org/protocol/iFiction/"><story><identification><ifid>ADRIFT-500-C2EF-D3A6-44D7-8A1A-CB4B6D631561</ifid><format>adrift</format></identification><bibliographic><title>Untitled</title><author>Anonymous</author><language>en-AU</language><headline /><genre /><description /><forgiveness>Merciful</forgiveness></bibliographic><releases><attached><release><version>1</version><releasedate>2013-10-25</releasedate><compiler>ADRIFT 5</compiler><compilerversion></compilerversion></release></attached></releases></story></ifindex>
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